April Dinwoodie

April’s Expertise


After a successful career in corporate marketing, branding, and PR and a lifetime as a transracially adopted person, April is devoted to elevating our collective experiences of family and working together to build stronger relationships. Dinwoodie’s podcast Born in June, Raised in April: What Adoption Can Teach the World! helps facilitate an open dialogue about identity, family, and differences of race, class, and culture. A strategic marketer at the core and with her lived experience as a guide, April delivers keynotes, facilitates workshops, and offers one-on-one coaching. She is the former Chief Executive of the Donaldson Adoption Institute and the founder of AdoptMent, a mentoring program that matches foster youth with adopted adults.

Today, some of April’s work includes communications consulting services on federal grants supporting adoption education and regular contributions to the Chronicle of Social Change and Fostering Families Today. She also works with several NY City schools facilitating adoption support groups for young people and parents and offers opportunities for faculty development.





Consulting + Coaching

Workshops + Group Facilitation

Speaking Engagements


